A Pastor and a Philosopher Walk into a Bar
Mixing a cocktail of philosophy, theology, and spirituality.
We're a pastor and a philosopher who have discovered that sometimes pastors need philosophy, and sometimes philosophers need pastors. We tackle topics and interview guests that straddle the divide between our interests.
Who we are:
Randy Knie (Co-Host) - Randy is the founding and Lead Pastor of Brew City Church in Milwaukee, WI. Randy loves his family, the Church, cooking, and the sound of his own voice. He drinks boring pilsners.
Kyle Whitaker (Co-Host) - Kyle is a philosophy PhD and an expert in disagreement and philosophy of religion. Kyle loves his wife, sarcasm, kindness, and making fun of pop psychology. He drinks childish slushy beers.
Elliot Lund (Producer) - Elliot is a recovering fundamentalist. His favorite people are his wife and three boys, and his favorite things are computers and hamburgers. Elliot loves mixing with a variety of ingredients, including rye, compression, EQ, and bitters.
A Pastor and a Philosopher Walk into a Bar
Chatting about Church with Brian McLaren and Tim Whitaker
This episode was recorded live at Theology Beer Camp 2024. We sat down with Brian McLaren and Tim Whitaker (from The New Evangelicals podcast) to discuss Brian's history in the emerging church movement, the current progressive religious movement (of which we're a part), the Christian nationalist backlash, and our political moment. For those of us who think of ourselves as progressive Christians, it's tempting to feel like we're carving a brand new space out of the ashes of evangelicalism, but of course there's a long history to what's happening now. Brian helps us think about where we've been, where we are now, and what might come next. This conversation was very impromptu, off the cuff, and occasionally raw. There are warnings but also hope and (from Brian at least) wisdom. We hope it's meaningful to you.
The books mentioned in this episode are:
- Prequel by Rachel Maddow
- A Fever in the Heartland by Timothy Egan
Check out the (unedited) video of this conversation here.
Content note: This episode contains profanity.
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