A Pastor and a Philosopher Walk into a Bar
Mixing a cocktail of philosophy, theology, and spirituality.
We're a pastor and a philosopher who have discovered that sometimes pastors need philosophy, and sometimes philosophers need pastors. We tackle topics and interview guests that straddle the divide between our interests.
Who we are:
Randy Knie (Co-Host) - Randy is the founding and Lead Pastor of Brew City Church in Milwaukee, WI. Randy loves his family, the Church, cooking, and the sound of his own voice. He drinks boring pilsners.
Kyle Whitaker (Co-Host) - Kyle is a philosophy PhD and an expert in disagreement and philosophy of religion. Kyle loves his wife, sarcasm, kindness, and making fun of pop psychology. He drinks childish slushy beers.
Elliot Lund (Producer) - Elliot is a recovering fundamentalist. His favorite people are his wife and three boys, and his favorite things are computers and hamburgers. Elliot loves mixing with a variety of ingredients, including rye, compression, EQ, and bitters.
A Pastor and a Philosopher Walk into a Bar
The Book of Belonging: An Interview w/ Mariko Clark and Rachel Eleanor
How do we grow and steward our children's spirituality when we've deconstructed so much of the spirituality that we were raised with? And even if we figure that out, how do we guide and encourage our kids on their spiritual journeys when there are so few quality resources and books that don't get all cheesy and cringe? We aren't the only ones asking these questions, are we?
Mariko Clark and Rachel Eleanor wrote and illustrated The Book of Belonging: Bible Stories for Kind and Contemplative Kids, and it is an absolute treasure. The Book of Belonging is a children's storybook Bible that is told in a way that will expand your kids' (and your own) love for God and humans, drawing them into the story and filling them with wonder, identity, and beauty. The illustrations are absolutely stunning. Also, the creators are fun and hilarious. Buckle up and preorder your copy of The Book of Belonging today.
To preorder The Book of Belonging, click here.
To check out the weird art and iconography Rachel mentioned, here you go:
- Weirdly Buff and Manly Baby Jesus
- Awkwardly Manly Baby Jesus
- Baby Jesus with a Six Pack
- Baby Jesus Breastfeeding
- And this explainer from Vox: "Why Babies in Medieval Paintings Look like Ugly Old Men"
You're welcome. Cheers!
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- Email us at pastorandphilosopher@gmail.com